Friday, July 18, 2008

Thing #19

I love Im Cooked. I don't cook a whole lot but I love to watch cooking shows on PBS. This site is full of ordinary people cooking recipes on video. It is so much better than reading recipes and trying to envision what it should look like. These are just people in front of a camera putting together basic dishes. there are some elaborate, ethnic, and exotic dishes and some are more professional than others, but all of it easy to access and addictive to watch!
Another site I liked is Yahoo! Answers. Kids would love this site, because they are always full of questions. The difference with this site is that anyone can answer and the answers are sometimes just opinion comments and not really going for correctness of information. You just type in your question and get answers from whomever wants to join in the conversation. It's not like, which tries to lead you to an informative answer. I saw lots of questions that no one had posted an answer for, so that could be frustrating, I guess.
Minti is a great site for parents and I forwarded it to a friend who recently had a baby. It is questions from parents of young children, and answered by other parents. This is a good communal site that provides insight and support during the mommy years.
The Web 2.0 awards list is a great place to go check out the best of what's going on in technoland.


Hebrews 13:2 said...

You're almost there...Only 4 more "Things" to go...Your "Blog" is looking great...Keep up the good work.

Hebrews 13:2 said...

Wow...A new assignment...Congratulations!
Perhaps I'll see you in a workshop or in my classroom this year...Have a great week.